Theoretical Statements (1)
Bisexuality, feminism and trans thought/behaviour are all interconnected with the idea of gender, hence people from these groups are comfortable bedfellows (metaphorically and often, in my experience, literally). However there is an important difference; trans and feminist thought/behaviour is very invested in the idea of gender, and by this I mean the idea of binary gender. They take binary gender to be self evident, at the very least as a past tense certainty as well as a present tense reality. T+F thought may idealise a future ‘utopian’ reality beyond binarised gender, perhaps feminism more than trans.
But bisexual thought/experience is unconcerned with binarised gender, or of all groups of thoughts/behaviours it could be said that bisexual thought is least concerned with gender than anyone else. Bisexual thought is the least invested in binary gender as a present tense reality, subjects within bisexual thought then typically allow for freedom and play with gender, subjects are unserious in their play and unfixed in their boundaries or definitions.
Bisexual thought then is in an interesting position of being able to accommodate systems of thought that are invested in gender, because it doesn’t care either way and because these systems are interested in equalities /emancipation/liberation in relation to gender but while accommodating these systems it itself is almost radically opposite to the notions at the crux of their epistemology. In so being it might be enacting a present tense reality that T+F thought only imagine as a future utopia.